The 23 Most Memorable Royal Weddings of All Time

When: September 18, 1964
Where: Metropolis
The Bride: Anne-Marie, Princess of Denmark
The Groom: Constantine II, King of Greece

Princess Anne-Marie met her third cousin and then–Prince Constantine when she was only 13, in 1959. The prince was visiting Denmark with his parents and they paid a visit to the princess’s royal family. At the time, Prince Constantine was 19. In 1961, they met again, and rumor has it, the prince told people that he wished to marry Princess Anne-Marie. Upon the death of his father in 1964, Constantine became king, the same year the couple married. They had five children, and Constantine passed away in January 2023. 

17. King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan and Lisa Najeeb Halaby

Photo: Corbis

When: June 15, 1978
Where: Zaharan Palace
The Bride: Lisa Najeeb Halaby
The Groom: King Hussein bin Talal of Jordan

Lisa Najeeb Halaby, the daughter of a prominent businessman, graduated from Princeton in 1974 and met King Hussein bin Talal four years later while working as a planning executive with Royal Jordanian Airlines. The king met, courted, and married Halaby, 16 years his junior, all in the same year. The couple had four children and remained married until the king’s death in 1999.

18. Prince Guillaume and Countess Stéphanie

Photo: REX

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