Take Our Quick, Anonymous Fashion Salary Survey

Every year, we put out a survey to find out what industry professionals are earning on average, and release the findings so that you’ll be able to see what others at your level, in your field, are making. (Check out last year’s findings here.) But first, we need some answers.

Take Fashionista’s 2023 Salary Survey

Our 2023 fashion salary survey is now live, so if you work in the industry — whether in design, PR, marketing, retail, editorial or elsewhere — please take two minutes to fill it out. It’s totally anonymous (we don’t even ask for your name!), and no one will be able to see where you, specifically, work or what you make. We also don’t share or sell any of the data we do get; it’s only used in aggregate to compile the report, which we’ll publish early next year.

Take Fashionista’s 2023 Salary Survey

The results from the salary survey not only give better insight for those just starting out, they also provide transparency into what your peers are making and how factors like education, experience, location, race and gender play a part in that. Inflation is no joke these days, so it’s time to figure out what you really deserve going into the new year.

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