Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023: Everything to Know

It’s that time of the year again: a Mercury retrograde will take hold from August 23 to September 14, and it’s important to navigate this cosmic phenomenon with clear intentions and a focused mind. This round of Mercury retrograde takes place in the sign of Virgo—and believe me, that’s a favorable starting point. Virgo naturally governs Mercury, so our planet of communication and intellect begins this retrograde in its comfort zone. While the usual Mercurial themes like communication, intellect, understanding, and relationships come to the forefront, Virgo’s methodical energy steps in, urging us to be meticulous and perceptive.

With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, precision is key. Clear intentions in conversations and goals are a must. Keep an eye on your calendar to avoid double-booking. Virgo, symbolizing purity and perfection, directs our attention toward refining our lives. This retrograde sheds light on areas where we’ve cluttered our days with conversations or activities that don’t add value or support.

This Mercury retrograde coincides with several other retrogrades, and it starts off with a fascinating alignment to Uranus and Jupiter, while also forming an opposition to Neptune. The trine to Uranus and Jupiter is quite favorable in astrology, and the opposition to Neptune prompts us to consider both sides of the story and explore alternatives.

This unique cosmic setup means that this Mercury retrograde has heaps of potential. Not only can we tap into our intuition more deeply due to Neptune’s influence, we also have the chance to embrace fearlessness and excitement by venturing into the realm of uncertainty. Uranus and Jupiter are both known for their rebellious and innovative vibes, which means this retrograde is a green light for calculated risks and seeking change in our life’s trajectory.

Remember, it’s not a green light for drastic decisions, as it’s still a Mercury retrograde. However, those spontaneous sparks of information or ideas that seemingly appear out of nowhere? Sit with them, reflect on them during the retrograde, and after it ends, create a game plan. This way, you can incorporate those fresh concepts and rebellious notions safely into your life.

On August 30, the Pisces Full Moon will occur, almost opposite Mercury. This alignment shines a light on what we need to let go of and what we should ease the pressure on, allowing a smoother daily rhythm to emerge. Virgo energy is all about the practical aspects of life, while Pisces energy, where the full moon is situated, delves into the spiritual and ethereal. This cosmic dance prompts us to reflect on the balance between material and spiritual focus and to shed what’s unnecessary.

Just before the new moon in Virgo, Mercury retrograde wraps up, bringing closure to this period of deep introspection. The new moon aligning closely with Mercury’s position emphasizes that this retrograde is about crafting new systems to be more intentional in our self-care and daily routines, from morning to night.

Now, let’s delve into how this cosmic interplay might affect each zodiac sign. Remember to check your sun, moon, and rising signs for a comprehensive interpretation.


Aries, this Mercury retrograde holds a ton of potential, and I’m talking about “rain-ation.” What’s that? Well, as an Aries, it’s your nature to leap at exciting opportunities fueled by your impulses. That fiery passion and dynamism are your strengths.

However, this retrograde brings a twist. It’s about adding a dash of intention to your pursuits. Yes, follow your heart, but make sure to infuse your actions with a detailed approach. Find that equilibrium between chasing your desires and executing them with precision. Think of it as creating a balanced routine to achieve your goals without a chaotic execution. This retrograde calls for a clear assessment of your day-to-day life—no hasty moves that might hinder your dreams. Let this retrograde season help you focus and make the most of your ambitions.


This Mercury retrograde presents a golden opportunity for you to rekindle your sense of balance. You’re known for having a clear idea of your preferences and how to chase them down. Prioritizing your happiness and contentment isn’t foreign to you. Now, during this retrograde, it’s all about finding that equilibrium between investing in things that empower you and avoiding going overboard with worldly pleasures. The fine art of moderation is the theme.

Here’s the plan: strike a balance between checking off tasks on your to-do list and indulging in what makes you feel great and loved. Oh, and when it comes to romance? There might be a bit of tension in the air, so approach it thoughtfully. It’s crucial to focus on what brings you the best vibes without neglecting your obligations. In a nutshell, Taurus, let this retrograde be a reminder to enjoy the good stuff while keeping your responsibilities in check.


Dear Gemini, you might find yourself a touch more sensitive during this Mercury retrograde, as it’s lighting up the home, family, and security zone in your chart. This might make you prone to confusion or emotional turbulence—you could doubt your feelings and struggle to pinpoint their source. Your best move here is to lean into your emotional support systems; trust those you have in your corner. Keep things steady, there’s no need for drastic shifts during this period. Embrace the opportunity to step back a bit and savor the slower pace, giving yourself a break from the constant public presence. Something interesting might happen, too: memories and realities from your childhood or upbringing might resurface. It’s cool to acknowledge them, but do’’t let them become your sole focus. Reflecting on your past isn’t a bad thing, but remember, there’s a whole present and future ahead of you.


You might be in for a bit of a bumpy ride during this retrograde, not because anything dire is on the horizon, but due to the likelihood of persistent little hiccups. With Mercury retrograde happening in the domain of communication, intellect, and your day-to-day processes, it’s your time to navigate with extra care over the next few weeks.

Here’s the game plan: be intentional. Think of it as double-checking all the details, crossing every “t” and dotting every “i.” Those common mishaps that tend to pop up during retrogrades? Focus on them. Confirm plans well ahead of time, set up multiple alarms, and here’s a big one—patience. Always seek clarity, especially if something’s confusing you. No assumptions, just understanding. As my grandma used to say, “To assume is to make an ass out of u and me.” So, let’s steer clear of that. Whether in business or personal matters, ensure you’re crystal clear about your expectations and needs.


Let’s talk about your financial game for the next few weeks. While you don’t have to lock up your wallet or cancel any planned splurges, here’s something to keep in mind. Mercury retrograde has parked itself in the zone that oversees your finances and material possessions. Translation: it’s time to be extra vigilant with your spending.

Throughout this retrograde phase, you might come to realize that you’ve been a tad frivolous, giving a little too much importance to certain material stuff. Be it eating out, shopping, or other retail therapy, this is the time to shine a light on those spending habits that steer you away from the essentials. Think of this as a chance to do a possession inventory. Give yourself the go-ahead to declutter and release the emotional ties to specific items. This makes way for more intentionality and lets you refocus your energy and investments on things that truly bring value to your life. So, Leo, while you don’t have to live like a financial hermit, this retrograde does suggest a financial wellness checkup.


Virgo, with Mercury retrograde taking place in your sign, it’s like a cosmic reunion with yourself. Time to dive back into your identity and reconnect with the version of you that resonates deeply—the you that you aspire to be and show to the world. But here’s the twist: negative self-talk might creep in, and a sense of things going awry might linger. Patience could be elusive, focus might waver, and little things others say might get under your skin.

Remember, patience is your ally. Don’t overburden yourself—set those boundaries. It’s perfectly okay to say, “Hey, I can’t take this on right now,” and give yourself space. Prioritize self-care. Take some time to journal and reflect. Ask yourself if the image you hold of yourself brings you comfort. Challenge any notions linked to how others perceive you—are those viewpoints constructive or healthy? Let go of unnecessary tension and reconnect with your core essence.


This Mercury retrograde might dial down your energy a bit, but don’t fret—this is actually an opportunity in disguise. Lower energy levels mean you’ve got the chance to sit back, reflect, and rethink how you’ve been spending your energy. During this retrograde, buried emotions might resurface. Your subconscious is about to light up like a starry night sky, unveiling new insights about self-care and self-discovery. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, listen up!”

Your main task right now? Listen to your body and honor your circadian rhythm. Don’t push yourself too hard or pile on too many commitments. Embrace those naps and take leisurely strolls. If you feel the urge to disconnect and spend quality time with yourself, do it. In the next couple of weeks, it’s crucial to dive deep and truly comprehend your core self. This is a period for shedding those layers that don’t serve you anymore, be it habits, routines, or aspects of yourself that need releasing.


I’m pretty pumped about this upcoming Mercury retrograde for you. You’ve been on quite a roller coaster lately, especially with the intense energy that’s been swirling around Scorpio vibes these past few years. But here’s the silver lining: this retrograde is shaking things up in the realm of not only your long-term goals and dreams, but also how you fit into the grand scheme of society.

You’ll gain a clearer perspective on where you belong and how the changes you’ve gone through jive with your aspirations. During this phase, you might find yourself feeling a bit distant from friends and family, and your motivation toward past goals might wane. Don’t let this dishearten you; it’s all about getting real about what truly brings you joy. And hey, when those sneaky thoughts of doubt and insecurity pop up, or the “what if” and “I can’t do it” notions creep in, remember to be adaptable. Stay open to change, remain flexible, and you’ll come out of this retrograde with a fresh outlook and renewed energy.


This Mercury retrograde could put a little pause on your progress, especially in the career and social life zones. Watch out for work-related miscommunications and a heightened sensitivity to your boss and coworkers. But here’s the key for you: ensure that your pursuits align with long-term stability and security, rather than just following the crowd’s wishes.

In the midst of any confusion and redirection caused by this transit, remember to tap into what truly adds value to your reputation. It’s about prioritizing what brings lasting stability, even if it means letting go of others’ expectations. While this period might make you question your direction and purpose, it’s also an opportunity to reconnect with the core aspects that define your sense of security. So, slow down a bit this month, Sagittarius. Let this retrograde guide you to choices that resonate with your true goals and groundedness.


Mercury retrograde brings a golden opportunity to nurture your growth and reshape your world views in an incredibly positive way. Think of it as a chance to expand your mental horizons, not by going back to school, but by exploring various perspectives.

This transit is like a cosmic coach urging you to release that stubborn grip on your own viewpoint. It’s about being open-minded and letting go of that “my way or the highway” stance. Embrace a more conscientious approach to personal growth by genuinely listening and acknowledging the value in others’ thoughts.

The good news is that this retrograde should be a smoother ride for you, so no need to stress. However, do make time to sit, journal, and reflect. Challenge yourself to learn something new or dive back into a topic that once intrigued you. It’s all about unlocking your mind and embarking on fresh ventures with a sense of curiosity, not apprehension.


Aquarius, let’s dive into how this Mercury retrograde could be a game-changer for you. It’s like a cosmic flashlight, illuminating the nooks and crannies of your personal connections. But it’s not just about finding balance and mutual understanding—there’s a twist. This retrograde nudges you to embrace vulnerability and express yourself more openly, especially when it comes to those aspects that need harmonizing in your close relationships.

You see, the part of your life that’s all about sharing and merging is getting a celestial wake-up call. Grab your mental notepad and pencil because it’s time for an audit. Are your intimate relationships a smooth dance of give-and-take? That’s the question this transit wants you to ponder. Reflect on the connections you’ve woven and figure out what’s missing for them to flourish. And yes, it’s not just about adding; sometimes, it’s about releasing. Let go of what’s holding you back from deeper connections.


Let’s talk about how this retrograde is poised to shed light on your relationships—whether they’re friendships, romantic connections, or work-related partnerships. You might experience some communication hiccups, where getting your point across feels like navigating a maze. And those plans or agreements you’ve been hoping to finalize with others might hit a bit of a delay.

Now, during this cosmic journey, what I really want you to do is grant yourself the gift of taking it slow and steady when it comes to moving your relationships forward. Those pacts we make that keep us linked to fellow humans—for you, they’re not just any old agreement. It’s all about picking ones that scream quality and equilibrium. Oh, and don’t let your natural kindness turn into a welcome mat for others to wipe their feet on, especially if you’re tangled in a business deal that doesn’t give you all the warm fuzzies. If that’s the case, now’s the time to plant seeds of change, maybe even hint at some renegotiation. And if your personal relationship hits a speed bump, hold off on jumping to conclusions. What’s better? A little patience while you figure things out.

In Closing…

A quick reminder that Mercury Retrogrades aren’t these chaotic moments designed to throw our lives into disarray and stress us out. Think of them more like cosmic pop quizzes that check if we’ve been attentive in the school of life: showing up, prioritizing personal growth, maintaining relationships and dreams—the whole shebang.

Let’s shift our perspective inward during this retrograde, whose energy is nudging us to take stock of our lives, uncovering what’s not quite clicking. This process might ruffle some feathers and throw things off-kilter, but remember, there’s a silver lining. We learn from those moments of tension and use them as a compass for what needs a tweak. So, dear Chickadees, embrace the retrograde ride—it’s all about growth, baby!

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