Victoria Beckham’s 11 Best Beauty Tips

In my job, I’m lucky enough to have access to celebrity facialists, top beauty brands and the best experts in the industry, but I’ve noticed more and more that it’s A-listers themselves who are becoming all the more influential when it comes to serving up legitimately good beauty advice. Of course, celebrities like Beyoncé and Jennifer Aniston are surrounded by the beauty industry’s cream of the crop on a daily basis, from makeup artists to hairstylists, so it’s really no surprise that they’ve picked up some expert beauty tips along the way. There’s one celebrity in particular, however, whose skincare knowledge I trust more than most: Victoria Beckham.

With her own beauty line under her belt and a dedicated reel of product recommendations and top tips on her Instagram page, Beckham’s love of all things beauty is obvious. Her passion for products combined with how open she has been about her skincare journey from Spice Girl to bonafide fashion designer means that she’s a woman I’ve really come to trust when it comes to beauty tips. Plus, there’s the fact that she looks damn incredible.

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