The New Moon In Leo 2023 Will Bring A Wild Lunation

Traditionally, the Leo New Moon is known to be regal, jovial, loving, and loyal, as well as manipulative, competitive, aggressive, and dramatic at times (this sentiment usually comes out when the Leo Moon doesn’t get its way). But when blended together with other planets, it can take on the flavor of their spirit too. Venus, who’s currently retrograde in Leo, aligns with the New Moon bringing out our insecurities within ourselves. With erratic planet Uranus, who is transiting the fixed sign Taurus, in the mix our emotional landscape will be full of ups and downs. Shake ups and breakups will happen. The desire to be free can create conflict with those who wish to control us. Autonomy is a must: no one can hold us back from living our best lives. The Nodes of Destiny are cementing this lunar event as a fated moment that will dictate and define us for years to come. Therefore, we should think about what we want to bring in and let go of before we impulsively leap or take action. 

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