Social Media Manager in Salt Lake City — Money Diary

Occupation: Social media manager/retail associate
Industry: Higher education/retail
Age: 22
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Salary: $45,000
Net Worth: -$22,833 ($2,300 in checking account; $1,200 in savings account; $6,700 in a HYSA; $2,000 in Roth IRA; $600 in 403(b); my car is worth ~$18,800 minus debt).
Debt: $54,433 ($17,477 for my car that I bought this summer, $36,956 in student loans).
Paycheck Amount (2x/month, 1x/week): ~$1,310 for my social media job, ~$92 for my retail job.
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent: $775 (for my share; I live with one roommate and this cost includes water, sewer, and trash).
Car Payment: $353.82
Private Student Loans: $242
Federal Student Loans: $196
Electricity: ~$20 (differs by season; split evenly with my roommate).
Gas: ~$20 (differs by season; split evenly with my roommate).
Wi-Fi: $12.50 (split evenly with my roommate).
Auto Insurance: $144.75
Renter’s Insurance: $12.54
Streaming Services: $0 (my mom pays for us).
Apple Music: $0 (my mom pays for a family plan).
Seed Probiotic: $51.49
Health Insurance: $33.02 (pre tax).
Savings: $200-$400

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