Scientist in Switzerland — Money Diary

Occupation: Scientist
Industry: Academia
Age: 29
Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Salary: $106,000
Net Worth: $69,734 ($12,586 in a US savings account, $1,112 in a US checking account, $15,376 in a US investment account, $16,421 in a Swiss retirement account, $22,714 in a Swiss savings account, $1,525 in a Swiss checking account).
Debt: $0
Paycheck Amount (1x/month): $7,918
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent $2,375 (I am subletting a fully furnished two-bedroom apartment. This is more than I wanted to pay but housing is extremely limited in Zurich (especially for foreigners moving from abroad) and I found this through a colleague).
Netflix: $21.30
Apple Music: $16.19
Gym: $30
Max: $0 (I mooch from my parents).
Nord VPN: $5 (so I can watch American TV).
Health Insurance: $475 (expensed to my fellowship).
Cell Phone: $11.48

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