Scenery Is a New Interiors Magazine That Is Equal Parts Avant-Garde and Aspirational

There are plenty of interiors and decor magazines out there. But Simon Bøcker Mørch felt they all lacked an important thing: emotion. Homes, as the saying goes, are where our hearts are: where we are the most pure, stripped-down versions of ourselves. Why, he wondered, did so many publications dedicated to them lack feeling? “The best interiors are always the most personal for me—spaces that truly reflect the personality of the human being that lives there: A self-portrait,” he tells Vogue.

So, the art director decided to make his own.

This week, Mørch launches Scenery, a new magazine dedicated to interiors, landscapes, and objects—all seen through a more emotive lens. “I wanted to create a platform that combines interiors, fashion, and photography. Something that feels more emotional than your usual interiors pictures, and seen through the lens of incredible image makers who might have started in the world of fashion,” Bøcker Mørch says. 

Clothes on chairs of Lady Amanda Harlech, photographed by William Waterworth for Scenery.

Courtesy of Scenery

There’s a spread on artist Richard Winkworth’s remarkably intricate bird houses, carved from reclaimed pine and with shingled roofs, as well as the cookbook author David Herbert’s collection of Bloomsbury group antiques. Many images are accompanied by personal essays from the home-or-object owners themselves: “It was the wonderful use of pattern and sense of spontaneity that first attracted me to the Bloomsbury aesthetic. But as a collector, it wasn’t enough to simply see these items in museums: I wanted to own them, live with them, and display them too,” Herbert writes. 

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