Pluto Retrograde Is Over & It’s Time For Change

Pluto, when it moves in direct motion through the earth sign Capricorn, is known to bring radical change, which we may or may not be ready for. Running away from transformation won’t stop the process from happening, which is all the more reason why we should try to work with the intense energy of Pluto. Most people don’t like getting out of their comfort zones, so Pluto can make us feel as though our lives are falling apart — when in reality we are getting a harsh reality check that will reboot us, leading to a better quality of life. Triangular situations and relationships are exposed, letting us see the truth in friendships and partnerships. The ones that can stand the test of time, that are built on strong foundations, will thrive and survive. The need for power is also high, making us all want to assert our authority and take control — especially when it comes to our career and finances. 

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