Jamie Dornan Strongly Endorses Discovering Spicy Food in Your Thirties

My new obsession is harissa. I’ve tried a few, but there’s one called Harry Brand harissa chili sauce, and I just love it. I sneak it into everything. Anytime I make eggs, I’ll use it to dip. I’ll put fries into it. I don’t carry it around with me—I’m not that guy—but if we’re at home and it goes with it, and sometimes even if it doesn’t go with whatever I’m eating, I will find a way to make it work into the meal. It’s got a real flavor. Some people are like Tabasco-heads, and I can take or leave Tabasco. I don’t mind it, but I don’t actually find the flavor of Tabasco very interesting. But harissa by itself is just sublime to me.”

Loewe’s coziest sweatshirt

“I took my wife to the flagship London store on Bond Street a couple of weeks ago now and I got this sweatshirt that they have that I’m obsessed with. And because life is crazy, I’ve already been on four flights (since and) I’ve worn (it) on all four of the flights. I’ve washed it in between—well, I’ve dry-cleaned it—so it’s clean. (Laughs)

Usually, I don’t wear stuff that has a label predominantly on it, but I don’t know, it just seems so cool to me, and it’s super comfortable. I’ve barely taken it off since I got it. I’ve traveled my entire adult life for work, and it took me a long time to wear comfortable clothes to travel. I’m late to that party. Not that I wore a suit, but I feel like I used to wear quite stiff jeans and a jacket or something. And then realized that the people who were wearing full tracksuits on long-haul flights—they were right. I’m trying to do that more. I’ll wear tracksuit bottoms and this Loewe sweatshirt that I’m obsessed with.”

A retro golf bag

“I travel with my golf clubs everywhere because wherever I’m filming, there’s always going to be someone from the crew or the cast who plays golf. I’m a bit golf-obsessed—I have been for a long, long time. (My golf bag is from) Jones Sports Company, and they do sort of vintage style. They’re a nod to golf bags from back in the day, and they’re really, really pretty. I know that’s a weird thing to say about the bag that you carry your golf clubs around in, but if you’re golf-nuts like I am, you have a real appreciation for stuff like this. I have this very beautiful Player Series olive-green single strap Jones golf bag. It’s pretty. The sort of bag I take pictures of and send them to my friends. A total golf nerd.”

Netflix’s Next in Fashion

“I have three girls. They are nine, seven, and four, and they are three of the coolest people that I’ve met. And they are just obsessed with Next in Fashion on Netflix. I started watching it with them, and now I’m obsessed. I’m pretty sure I’ve cried every episode. Whoever gets eliminated, I always cry. Because even in an hour long or 15 minutes, whatever, you invest so much and you see how much work they put in and how talented they all are. My kids have these little books where they get me to print off a load of mannequin drawings so that they could do their own designs. Now, they’re just designing clothes all the time.

I know (the show’s co-host) Tan France a little, and because I know Tan, I informed him a couple of weeks ago of their insane obsession with the show. Of course, Tan being the absolute gentleman that he is, said, ‘I’m actually with (co-host) Gigi (Hadid) this weekend. We’re going away together, so I’ll make a video.’ I woke up a couple days later and there’s this video (from) Tan and Gigi using my daughter’s names and I don’t think they’ve ever loved me more than they did in that moment. So it was a big win for daddy.”

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