It Feels Like Oral Sex

I wish I could describe the sensation more accurately than just… it feels like oral sex, but that’s truly what it boils down to. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been using predominantly suction vibrators and more rumbling motors, but on its lowest setting and combined with lubricant, it truly felt like the tip of a tongue firmly circling and pressing against my clit. Though it’s not warm like a real mouth would be, the lubricant provided the slippery wet feeling that other tongue vibrators are unable to achieve — I think this is due to the circling motion, as opposed to most other tongue vibrators which flick up and down; this felt like someone lapping at my clit in the best way possible.

“(It’s a) more subtle feeling but the focused pressure and rolling motion is something fun to add to your arsenal if you’re already kitted out with vibrators and sonic wave toys and want to try something different!,” says one reviewer of Ora’s miraculously real-feeling stimulation.

I also particularly enjoyed myself knowing that my partner wasn’t getting tired, and I felt like I was more able to get out of my head (I frequently get frustrated at how long I can take to climax); knowing that Ora could perform for up to a full hour helped me relax and get into the slow-building sensation. In fact, I felt myself edging towards climax and then moving the vibrator out of place slightly and then putting it back to prolong the incredible sensations.

Though many reviewers find Ora 3 on the loud side (“whisper-quiet” isn’t listed as one of its selling points), I didn’t find it too noisy at all. In fact, my only critique is that I wish that I didn’t have to scroll through all the vibration settings to get to the “tongue-only” one (doesn’t it make sense to start there and then build with added vibrations?). Out of curiosity, just before I reached my peak arousal levels, I added in one of the vibration settings, and I found that it took me out of the experience. It had felt so real, and the vibration reminded me that it wasn’t actually a tongue but a toy between my legs (after all, a mouth cannot vibrate… as far as I know!). After going back to the tongue-only setting, it was merely a minute before I let myself fall over the edge into a warm, wet, body-melting climax. While many of my other climaxes have felt so strong they’ve shocked my system, this orgasm was a long continuous dream. And the tongue kept going just as long as I wanted to. In fact, had I had more time I am sure I could have coaxed multiple orgasms from myself. I can absolutely see myself reaching for this one again and again.

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