In You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah, All the Popular Middle Schoolers Wear Online Ceramics

Did you get a sense of Sandler’s personal style working with him? Like, how much of it is about comfort and how much of it is just a kooky sensibility?

It’s so much of both. And also he was like, “I don’t want to take away from the girls. This is about them. I want them to shine. I’m just being me.” As a viewer, you’re like, “Okay, well, that’s Adam Sandler and that’s how he dresses.” I don’t need it to be like, “Whoa, it’s crazy that Adam Sandler is wearing jeans.” He doesn’t wear jeans. He wears basketball shorts.

It’s funny, because people reference “Sandler Fits” all the time on TikTok. Does he know about that? Were the kids bringing that up?

I don’t know if the kids really were, but I mean, he definitely has to know that it’s his signature style. I had a little fear when we were making the movie that I was like, am I going to regret not maybe pushing him to do something different? And then over the past year, it’s been such an explosion on TikTok, Sandler fits. And I was like, you know what? It actually worked out really well, because now people are going to see him doing exactly what they want. As a culture, we want to see him like that. It’s what we’re used to and it’s what he likes. And as viewers, we’re all like, “There he is. Iconic Sandler fit.”

After you talked to Sandler’s daughters, did you have similar conversations with the boys in the cast about what they thought was cool? Were they as forthcoming about it as the girls were?

Definitely. Everyone was from all over, so (I was) getting so many different reads. Sunny and Sadie, when they were like, “This is what everyone wears,” I was like, “Okay, but this is what everyone wears in LA, in your friend group, in the part of LA you live in.” I mean, (the movie) takes place in New Jersey, but everyone was from different places.

When I met Dylan or Judd, who played Aaron, it was like I could immediately download their entire wardrobe the second (they) walked in. Dylan was wearing long pants and Yeezys and a big sweatshirt, and I was like, “Okay, he already has this strong sense of style, strong sense of trends.” And then Judd, he was sporty: Nikes, shorts, tees, basketball shorts. The conversations that I had with them were not as in-depth as I had with the girls, but it was very clear. Like, “I don’t wear jeans. I wear shorts.”

Sarah Sherman as Rabbi Rebecca.

Courtesy of Netflix

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