How to Create an Astrology Birth Chart for Personal Horoscopes

You may have one, a few, or no planets in a house (all of which is quite common). Think of the planets as the seasoning of the houses—they add flavor. Each planet is a ‘natural ruler’ of a sign. This means that they have a zodiac sign that they really like to be in. The planet can live up to its truest and purest form in the sign that it rules.

The Sun

Simply put, the sun is one’s ego, determination and will. The sun orbits all signs of the zodiac in a calendar year.

The Moon

The moon changes signs every two and a half days. It represents the part of ourselves that we cannot express—our emotions, memories, and sense of security. It also shows how we nurture ourselves. The moon can help you find a simple, relaxing way to decompress. Use its placement in your chart to find out how to embrace the lunar phases and reduce stresses by harmonizing with its rhythms.


Mercury is the planet of communication, travel, and news. It’s how we express our views to others. On a bad day, Mercury can also represent gossip and rumors that aren’t 100 percent true.


Venus is the planet of love, affection, sensuality, romance and money. It allows us to understand how we love and care for others, what luxuries we love to spend our hard-earned cash on, and what sparks our inner emotional passions. If you’re looking for ways to spice up your beauty regimen, look to your Venus sign and house placement. It’ll show you how to better care for your skin and how to evolve your look with makeup.


This expansive and lucky planet shows us how to grow our minds. It also represents spiritual evolution, travel and higher-minded beliefs. We look to this planet to help us find an intelligent response to emotional problems.


This hot-blooded planet likes to take action, argue and fight. The flip side to this energy is that Mars gets turned on by drama and chaos—even wanting more confrontation to satisfy its sexual desires.


The karmic planet Saturn talks about commitment, stability, social order and the limitations or restrictions placed on us. It can also be a little thrifty and unable to give more than it receives when it comes to love and money.


If we want to discuss personal or societal revolutions and changes, then we look to rebellious Uranus, which protests and awakens us to injustices on a global level.


Illusory Neptune can create confusion, but if we are aware of our innate dreams then it will allow us to see and use our artistry and creative sentiments. Emotions run deep with this planet as it serves as poetry for the soul.


Change is a good thing—however, fear can hold us back from growth and achieving our goals. Pluto shakes us up and forces us to transform, even if we are resistant.

North Node or True Node

The North Node or True Node represents our truest calling. It shows us what we want to accomplish, which may make us feel a little uncomfortable because it’s a new journey for our soul.

South Node

This is who we were and what we wanted in our past lives. It’s what we are letting go of in this lifetime in order to become the best versions of ourselves.


Won says this is always where you start your life map. “The Ascendant is going to be the celestial element that defines the underlying foundation of who you are, your personality, your perspective in how you see your reality and how others might see you,” she says. “In my opinion, the ascendant is the most important element in a birth chart because it’s key to defining all the houses.”

What are the 12 signs of the zodiac?

There are 12 zodiac signs based on the 12 constellations in the sky. Each sign represents the period in which the sun shines its light on the constellation. They depict the ego of the individual born during that time period.


Aries is a cardinal fire sign and the first sign of the zodiac. Arians are known for their impulsive and courageous demeanor.


Taurus is a fixed earth sign known for its sensual, artistic side, and for being stubborn. Won adds that Taurus is all about stability—both material and emotional. “It’s reliable and persevering but can be stubborn and super slow,” she says. 


Gemini is a miracle air sign known for its dualistic nature and intellect. Won says it is intelligent, talkative, but can be super fickle and restless. It’s known to be two-sided but that’s more about having extreme polarity. “Think yin and yang energy,” she says. 


Cancer is a cardinal water sign that is emotionally sensitive.


Leo is a fire sign known for its theatrics, generosity, and loyalty. “Leos are magnetic, leading, and that big; King/Queen energy,” Won says. “It’s super fun and dynamic but can be a bit arrogant and extravagant.”


Virgo is an earth and mutable sign known for its analytical nature. “The little perfectionist,” she says. “It’s dedicated, hard-working, detailed oriented but can be cold.” 


Libra is an air and cardinal sign that finds balance, harmony and peace in the law and relationships.


Scorpio is a water and fixed sign that is transformative and passionate. “All about taking depth to the next level,” Won says. “It’s quite passionate and mysterious but also can be ruthless and secretive.”


Sagittarius is a fire and mutable sign known for its positivity and philosophical sentiments.


Capricorn is an earth and cardinal sign that is reflective, disciplined, and hard-working.


Aquarius is an air and fixed sign known for its progressive mind and humanitarian side. Won says it is unconventional, independent, and open-minded but can also be a bit of a loner.


Pisces is a water and mutable sign that is intuitive, creative, and sentimental.

What are the 12 houses in a birth chart?

The birth chart has 12 different sections, called ‘houses’. Each house represents a different area of life. They all have a natural sign and planetary ruler that elevates the house.

1st House (also known as the ascendant or AC)

The 1st House in the astrology chart represents you. It shows how you carry yourself and what people first notice about you. If you have any planets in your 1st House, then they will have a significant effect on your overall personality, energy, and vibe.

2nd House

The 2nd House represents personal finances and wealth. It shows how much money you can earn, your innate desire to gain materialism or quest for your confidence and self-worth.

3rd House

The third house is where you will look to see how you communicate with others and your schooling. It also describes the type of relationship you have with your siblings and roommates.

4th House

What are your values and family like? Look to the 4th House to find out what your personal foundation is—also, how you love and care for your brood and home life.

5th House

This is the House of pleasure, playfulness, creativity, and casual dating. It’s where you can look to see who, what, when, and how you’re crushing on someone—and what kind of dates you like to go on.

6th House

The 6th House represents health, daily routine, and self-care. If you’re looking for an excuse for a spa day, then this is where you can look to see when to schedule one for maximum results.

7th House

Who and how you love is defined by checking out this area of the birth chart. By peeping in the seventh house, you can find the ideal person you want to commit to and invest in, long-term.

8th House

Personal transformation is shown here. You can see how you will evolve over time. Look here to see your relationship with credit card debt, college loans, and pay raises.

9th House

Higher education, travel, philosophy, and adventure are found in the 9th House. By looking here, you can find out what you enjoy studying and how to pursue your personal ideology.

10th House

This is the house of public image—what you share and give to others, and how you want to be perceived by the world. It also represents your professional calling and status.

11th House

This house defines the types of friendships, groups, communities, and associations you make. More importantly, the members of your crew that have your back and fight for the same causes.

12th House

Look here to find what visions and dreams you hold dear in your heart. This part of your chart teaches you that by clearing your thoughts and leaning into your intuition, you can find answers to all of your quandaries and struggles.

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