French fashion school EIDM to host annual fashion night

Archive image of EIDM fashion students. Credits: EIDM

On Tuesday November 21 2023, French fashion school EIDM will host its Fashion Night. The event will take place from 6pm to 9pm at the prestigious Montaigne suite at event venue Salons Hoche in Paris.

With the event EIDM aims to immerse its partners and future students in the world of fashion and luxury. The first edition of EIDM Fashion Night took place in 2019.

The programme for the 2023 edition features fashion shows, magazine projects as well as information and talks about pop-up stores, entrepreneurship, the school’s international campuses as well as discussions with the EIDM teams.

EIDM president Mégane Simon will hold a speech at 7pm. Throughout the evening, under the guidance of our students, a number of activities will be organised to immerse potential students in the world of EIDM.

The first year bachelor students will present the fashion show, and the second year bachelor students have created a showroom of magazines which they will showcase during the event.

In addition, the third year students will present the annual EIDM project that highlights the school’s 16 partner universities around the world through a series of international seminars, the promotion of current partnerships, and discussions with student entrepreneurs. A cocktail reception will wrap up the 2023 festivities.

EIDM offers degree programmes from the bachelor to the master level in the fields of
styling, art direction, communication, marketing and the business of fashion and luxury.

In ​​September, the French fashion school inaugurated its campus in Lille and earlier in the academic year 2023/2024, it opened its location in Nice.

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