Fashion Trust Arabia to reschedule awards amidst Middle East conflict

Fashion Trust Arabia (FTA) has decided to postpone its annual awards ceremony, originally scheduled for October 25 in Doha, Qatar, due to the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

The organization has yet to announce a new date for the event but will unveil the award winners before the year’s end. The shortlist of finalist includes Beirut-based designer Zeid Hijazi who studied at Central Saint Martins. It is the second time in two years the FTA has postponed its awards, with the last time being during Covid in 2021.

In a statement, Fashion Trust Arabia explained its decision, stating, “At FTA, our purpose has always been to support the talent of designers in the MENA region. However, we believe that, given the current situation in the region, it would be inconsiderate to proceed with our event.”

FTA is a still a relatively young organization. Founded to support and highlight Arab creatives from the MENA region, it was founded by in 2018 Tania Fares, a Lebanese fashion editor, and Sheikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the sister of Qatar’s ruling Emir.

Despite postponing the ceremony, the organisation said it remains committed to its mission of nurturing and supporting emerging talent through financial assistance, opportunities, and mentorships.

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