Fashion Reboot: IFM’s annual event returns on November 30

Fashion Reboot 2022. Courtesy of Florence Julienne
Fashion Reboot 2022. Courtesy of Florence Julienne

On November 30, the French fashion school Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) will be holding its annual event for fashion and textile professionals.

Dubbed ’Fashion Reboot’, it will focus on current and future developments, at a time when the fashion industry is going through a period of crisis and questioning.

On its website, the IFM specifies the issues that will be addressed: how to cope with the current geopolitical context, inflation, new creative outlets, new forms of distribution, artificial intelligence and the influence of marketing. IFM professors and fashion industry experts will shed light on these issues.

FashionUnited will report on the event.


Lire le compte rendu de l'édition Fashion Reboot 2022 : IFM Fashion Reboot: recycling and second-hand fashion, the last resort for the industry?

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