Exhibition: Esmod Paris celebrates career of designer Maurice Renoma

Maurice Renoma exposition. Credits: Esmod

Until November 17, 2023, fashion school Esmod Paris is hosting an exhibition of photographs, videos, vintage and contemporary pieces, celebrating the exceptional 60-year career of designer Maurice Renoma.

"The story and life of this man with a passion for art, culture, design and fashion, and his timeless modernity that spans time and generations with freedom, talent and courage, are an example and a source of inspiration for our students in their quest for meaning and values," Véronique Beaumont, Managing Director of Esmod International said in a statement.

Maurice Renoma has been invited to take up residence at the school's Paris headquarters in the ninth district, where the fashion design programmes are taught, for a series of artistic events. Like his career, art and fashion blur their boundaries and cohabit in the mansion, whose central atrium is surrounded by Eiffel-style metal beams and walkways. Doors, windows and balconies are dressed in Renoma's immersive, sustainable decor in harmony with the premises, and an exhibition traces Maurice Renoma's six decades of design through vintage looks, iconic pieces, photographs and the artist's graphic designs.

Exposition Maurice Renoma
Maurice Renoma exhibition. Credits: Esmod Paris

In addition, the new generation of Esmod students is invited to revisit the Renoma collections through a contemporary lens. This new generation of talent is committed, inclusive and increasingly aware of respect for the environment and the future of our planet. They aim to select an iconic Renoma piece and reinterpret it in their own creative language. Performance, art, design, 3d: anything goes in the creative process. The students' creations will be presented in a performance exhibition at the Appart Renoma in Paris’ 16th quarter in November 2023.

This article was originally published on FashionUnited.FR. Translation and edit from French into English by Veerle Versteeg.

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