Does The Scandinavian Sleeping Method Work?

When I initially balked at the idea, it was because I was so used to the shared bed, shared blanket way of sleeping that I couldn’t see how anything else would work. In other words, I was small-minded and reluctant to change, assuming my way was the only way. Obviously! But what’s now the standard sleeping arrangement in the UK and US is actually a relatively recent phenomenon. According to Neil Stanley, an independent sleep expert and author of How To Sleep Well, sharing a bed, at least in the UK, was linked to wealth (or lack thereof). “Sleeping together is a very modern phenomenon, and it’s actually not natural to sleep together… It’s only poor people who slept together historically, because if you were rich you had enough space not to sleep together.” Yet this has become so uncommon that sleeping separately is itself a trend, often called a ‘sleep divorce’.

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