Childhood memories with Àcheval Pampa by Irina Werning

ÀCHEVAL SS24 drops are inspired in childhood memories of our home, Argentina.
Horses, gauchos, football, textures, and dulce de leche. The colors of our sunset in the countryside, mix of browns with yellows, red suns, and the greens of the trees with pure blue sky.
Classic meets future, reinventing memories into a new world where ancestral skills meet modern life.

“ÀCHEVAL is a vehicle and seal presenting the ancestral skills of our land to the world and constructing threads between our time and the new luxury standards.”
Lucila Sperber and Sofia Achaval de Montaigu co-founders of Àcheval Pampa.

Àcheval is a movement that constantly stands for love for nature and promoting artists, culture and craftmanship in each of the products.



Words and pictures by Irina Werning

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