Are Sheertex Tights Really That Good? R29 Honest Review

We’ve all been there: It’s a chilly 50 degrees, too warm for heavy layers but too chilly to bare your legs. In other words, the perfect day to don a pair of tights, the transitional weather warrior. You grab a recently bought pair of sheer tights, slip them on, and head into the world. You’re outside for approximately two seconds when you walk a little too close to some spiky hedges and your once intact pair of tights is officially snagged. The dread. The horror. The woe. You are now forced to take them off and shiver for the rest of the day or suck it up and hope the one rip comes off as “edgy” at best. Then rinse and repeat the next day with another pair of $10 tights that are sure to suffer the same fate. We all know this feeling all too well, but what if this unfortunate series of events could be avoided forever? Enter Sheertex, an intimates brand dedicated to fixing this exact issue with its tougher-than-steel, seemingly indestructible tights.

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