Account Manager in San Francisco, CA — Money Diary

Occupation: Strategic account manager
Industry: Technology
Age: 34
Location: San Francisco, CA
Salary: $210,000 ($140,000 base, $70,000 bonus).
Net Worth: $523,000 (401(k): $316,000; company equity: $80,000; brokerage account: $50,000; savings: $77,000). My partner and I live together and opened a joint checking account and a joint credit card. We put enough in there (proportional to what we make) to cover our expenses; for now that means I cover 65% of costs and he covers 35% of costs. All grocery, subscription, and travel spending happens on our credit card and we budget to save $500 a month in our joint savings account for rainy day activities.
Debt: $0
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $3,500
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Rent: $3,700 (I pay $2,500 and my partner pays $1,200; this includes internet).
Joint Account:
Utilities: $120
YouTube TV: $73
Apple TV+: $9
Personal Expenses:
Netflix: $17
Spotify: $13
Cell Phone: $110
Coffee Subscription: $74 every six to eight weeks
NYT Games: $3
NYT Cooking: $4
Savings: I get my bonus quarterly and put a few thousand dollars into savings every time I get a bonus payout.

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